September 9, 2024 Newsletter
September 9, 2024 – Volume 18 Number 37
* City Council to meet on Tuesday to have public hearing and first reading on budget and tax rate.
* AISD approved their tax rate.
* EDC Board meets Tuesday for yet another espace deadline extension.
Taxpayers' Funds at Risk:
City Council grades:
AISD Board grades:
Citizens Defending Freedom vs. AISD
Arlington is a city where citizens are relegated to being spectators, rather than players on the field. The SPECTATOR helps citizens know what is happening on the field. Only a few of the in-house team members are allowed to play ball in Arlington. The SPECTATOR helps citizens understand the game.
Tuesday, September 10: Budget/Tax Rate Public Hearings City Council meetings, 101 W. Abram Street, 6:30pm. (You must preregister by 5:00pm to speak during citizen participation.)
Tuesday, September 10: EDC (Economic Development Corporation) Board meeting, 3rd Floor City Hall, 101 W Abram Street, 4:00pm.
Thursday, September 12: District 1 Town Hall meeting, Texas Rangers Golf Club, 701 Brown Boulevard, 6:00pm.
Tuesday, September 17: City Council meetings, 101 W. Abram Street, 6:30pm. (You must preregister by 5:00pm to speak during citizen participation.)
Wednesday, September 18: P&Z meeting, 101 W. Abram Street, 5:30pm. (Work session at x:xxpm.)
Thursday, September 19: AISD Board meeting, AISD Administration Building, 690 E. Lamar Boulevard, 6:30pm. (You must be signed up online by 3:00pm if you wish to speak.)
Wednesday, October 2: P&Z meeting, 101 W. Abram Street, 5:30pm. (Work session at x:xxpm.)
Thursday, October 3: AISD Board meeting, AISD Administration Building, 690 E. Lamar Boulevard, 6:30pm. (You must be signed up online by 3:00pm if you wish to speak.)
Tuesday, October 8: City Council meetings, 101 W. Abram Street, 6:30pm. (You must preregister by 5:00pm to speak during citizen participation.)
Arlington City Council Update
The city council is considering a budget with a tax rate increase of $.01 [a penny]. The public hearings on the budget and the tax rate will be this Tuesday, September 10.
Other Coverage.
The more recent story by Kailey Broussard of Arlington Report/Fort Worth Report: .
The Kailey Broussard of [now old] story on the original budget proposal: .
The city council met on this past Tuesday, September 3 for a full slate of meetings. This coming Tuesday is another city council meeting with the great majority of the agenda dealing with budget and budget-related items.
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Committee Meeting
The Community and Neighborhood Development Committee met to discuss Program Year 2023 annual performance and evaluation report (presentation).
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Afternoon Meeting
The afternoon meeting can be viewed at: . Council member Piel did not appear to be present.
(19:45) Start of meeting. They went into executive session to discuss their executive agenda, including discussion of real property acquisition in their downtown TIRZ and the always expensive offers of incentives to business prospects.
(2:02:16) Open portion of meeting. Council member Piel was now present. Council member Odom-Wesley was late. The mayor did the work session items out of order.
The two work session items:
(2:02:44) 2. UTA update.
(2:46:47) 1. The economic development strategic plan (as part of their comprehensive plan review) (presentation).
The two staff reports:
(3:23:09) 1. Traffic Safety in Arlington (staff report). [Other coverage: The Kailey Broussard story for the Arlington Report/Fort Worth Report: .]
(3:51:31) 2. Enhance Regional Mobility (newsletter).
(3:56:25) Committee meetings.
(3:58:49) Budget information. He discussed the North Police station not affecting this year's budget, but there will be a need next year. He answered a question regarding the code realignment.
(4:07:15) Appointments and evening agenda items. No appointments.
(4:07:41) Future agenda items. Council member Hogg wants a charter to update/clean-up for next May's election. The mayor wants an update on the sign ordinance.
Evening Meeting
The agenda for the evening meeting included 16 consent agenda items, a public hearing for a Municipal Setting Designation, and construction chapter ordinance modification. The meeting may be viewed at: .
(15:50) Start of meeting. There was a proclamation for National Night Out on October 1.
(24:10) 16 Consent agenda items. No items were pulled. No discussion. No speakers. It was approved, 9-0.
Consent agenda item 6.6 is $580,485 for a professional services contract for Intelligent Transportation System Evaluation Service (staff report).
Consent agenda items 6.14 and 6.15 are to renew a two-year contract for collection of delinquent taxes and court fines with heavy campaign contributor, Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson, LLP (taxes , court fees).
(26:22) The Municipal Setting Designation public hearing (staff report). It was approved, 9-0.
(29:45) The construction chapter ordinance modification (staff report). It was approved, 9-0.
(31:08) Citizen Participation saw no speakers. The one registered speaker was not present.
Evening Meeting – Coming Week
The agenda for the 6:30pm meeting includes six public hearings, two ordinances, one resolution, and citizen participation.
The six public hearings and related resolution (1) and ordinances (5) are:
1. Arlington Tourism PID (Public Improvement District) boundaries (staff report).
2. Arlington Tourism PID assessment plan (staff report).
3. Lamar Boulevard PID assessment plan and roll (staff report).
4. Downtown BID (Business Improvement District) assessment plan and boundaries (staff report).
5. Adoption of the budget (staff report).
6. Levying an ad valorem tax (staff report).
The two ordinances are:
1. An ordinance for the ratification of a tax increase (staff report).
2. An ordinance for the new higher water/sewer rates (staff report).
The resolution is to raise the trash/recycling rate (staff report).
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Economic Development Corporation (EDC)
The next meeting will be this Tuesday, September 10. The agenda can be found at:,-2024.pdf .
The agenda includes two action items, two executive session items, and a staffing update.
The first action item is to approve the FY2025 budget.
The second action item is to make a second amendment to the espace master agreement. [The first amendment extended espace more time (until August 29) regarding leasing of industrial space. Now the second amendment extends that out four more months, to December 31, 2024, and extends two other dependent deadline dates until April 30, 2025. Just asking, does espace really want to come here? They sure seem to be having a lot of trouble meeting agreed upon deadlines...]
The two executive session items include negotiating offers of incentives to business prospects and real property negotiations.
The minutes from last month reflected that two employees had left, so I believe the update is related.
Arlington’s EDC is easily the largest sales tax supported EDC in the state. This gives spending addicted politicians greater than $20 million annually with which to fund their buddies.
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Upcoming Public Hearings
On Tuesday, September 10, the city council will hold a public hearing on the FY2025 budget.
On Tuesday, September 10, the city council will hold a public hearing on the FY2025 tax rate of $0.5998.
On Tuesday, September 10, the city council will hold a public hearing on the Downtown BID assessment.
On Tuesday, September 10, the city council will hold a public hearing on the Lamar Boulevard PID assessment.
On Tuesday, September 10, the city council will hold a public hearing on the Tourism PID boundaries.
On Tuesday, September 10, the city council will hold a public hearing on the Tourism PID assessment.
On Tuesday, September 17, the city council will hold a public hearing on PD24-22 on almost 7 acres at 100/120/150/200 E. Stephens Street. They wish for a planned development for light industrial.
On Tuesday, September 17, the city council will hold a public hearing on PD24-13 on 3.547 acres at 1601 E. Bardin Road. They wish for a planned development for light industrial.
On Tuesday, September 17, the city council will hold a public hearing on PD24-18 on 1.846 acres at 2760 E. Abram Street. They wish for a planned development for a car wash.
On Wednesday, September 18, P&Z will hold a public hearing on PD24-7 on 25.5 acres in southeast Arlington. They wish for a planned development based on RS-5 (small lot single-family houses) at 7204 Mitchell Parkway and 7300 Grindstone Court.
On Wednesday, September 18, P&Z will hold a public hearing on PD23-37 on 5.390 acres at 1600 E. Pioneer Parkway. They wish for a planned development for mixed use. If this passes it will go to the city council on October 22.
On Tuesday, October 8, the city council will hold a public hearing on ZA24-7 to change the zoning from RE (residential estate) to NC (neighborhood commercial) on 3.864 acres at 805 Mansfield Webb Road.
On Tuesday, October 8, the city council will hold a public hearing on ZA24-6 to change the zoning from CC (community commercial) to flex hybrid on 2.99 acres at 2926 S. Cooper Street.
On Tuesday, October 8, the city council will hold a public hearing on PD24-15 on 168.550 acres at 7700 S. Watson Road. They wish for a planned development for office commercial with a wireless communication tower.
P&Z Commission
P&Z met this Wednesday, September 4. There were three zoning case public hearings on the agenda. The meeting may be viewed at: .
(3:05) Public hearing #1 was for straight zoning case ZA24-7 to change the zoning from RE (residential estate) to NC (neighborhood commercial) on 3.864 acres at 805 Mansfield Webb Road (staff report). It was approved, 7-0.
(24:55) Public hearing #2 was for straight zoning case ZA24-6 to change the zoning from CC (community commercial) to flex hybrid on 2.99 acres at 2926 S. Cooper Street (staff report). It was approved, 7-0.
(32:27) Public hearing #3 was for zoning case PD24-15 on 168.550 acres at 7700 S. Watson Road (Timberview High School). They wish for a planned development for office commercial with a wireless communication tower (staff report). It was approved, 7-0.
AISD School Board
The school board met last Thursday, September 5. The agenda included a governance workshop at 5:00pm, a closed session, an appointment, three reports, two action items, and the consent agenda. The governance workshop can be viewed at: . The meeting can be viewed at: .
(2:48) There were no speakers for agenda items.
(25:22) There was one appointment, approved 7-0.
Ricardo Butler - assistant principal at Nichols Junior High.
The three reports:
(28:32) A. Governance Committee Report.
(30:50) B. Recruitment and Retention Report.
(1:38:38) C. District Goals Report.
The two action items:
(2:20:50) A. Approve a tax rate. The proposed 2024 was $1.1035 (M&O=$0.8128 + I&S=$0.2907), $0.0121 lower than last year. There was a lot of discussion because the proposed rate is lower than the no new revenue rate. It would appear it is because the compression uses the lesser of district property value growth and the states estimated property value growth, the exact thing they were complaining about “IF” happens and the new TAD procedure discussed in last week's newsletter. Lower attendance was not brought up while trying to figure out why they are below the no new revenue rate. It was approved, 7-0.
(2:45:45) B. Consider TEA Docket No. 274-SE-0424. This would approve the mediator's settlement agreement regarding special education funding. It was approved, 7-0.
(2:46:48) Consent agenda. Nothing was pulled. Nothing was discussed. It was approved, 7-0.
(2:47:20) There were three speakers registered for non-agenda items. The first speaker was having issues with her Kindergarten student. The second speaker wanted to speak on the district leveling process. The final speakers were having a charity concert at Levitt Pavilion with AISD students.
(3:00:30) End of meeting reports.
TEA Accountability Data:
In 2020, the AISD was tied for the highest M&O rate of all the school districts in Tarrant County. Since then, there has been NO tie. The AISD HAS the highest M&O rate in Tarrant County. [school district tax rates]
Top 5 of Tarrant County's 21 ISDs M&O Rates
1. Arlington ISD $0.824900
2. Fort Worth ISD $0.790400
3. Mansfield ISD $0.789200
3. Birdville ISD $0.789200
3. Everman ISD $0.789200
Of Tarrant County's 21 ISDs - Lowest Tax Rates
1. HEB ISD $0.921100
2. Burleson ISD $0.924700
3. Carroll ISD $1.002500
4. Azle ISD $1.025000
5. Fort Worth ISD $1.062400
6. Keller ISD $1.087500
7. Northwest ISD $1.090200
8. Everman ISD $1.094146
9. Arlington ISD $1.115600
10. Lewisville $1.130100
AISD Underperforms on STAAR
The Arlington Report story as reported by The Fort Worth Report written by Dang Le: .
Mr. Le states that, “No grade or subject saw over 45% of students meet grade level.” Couple that with the fact that the AISD has the highest paid teachers [for several years, and yet test scores are not even close], and the question becomes when is the real problem going to be fixed?
Press Box
Other News
UTA West
UTA has agreed to develop a western Fort Worth campus deal. The story by James Ward of The Shorthorn staff: .
The Spectator:
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Taxpayers' Funds at Risk:
City Council grades:
AISD Board grades:
City of Arlington website:
e-mails of mayor and council
mayor = jim.ross
district 1 (north) = mauricio.galante
district 2 (sw) = raul.gonzalez
district 3 (se) = nikkie.hunter
district 4 (west) = andrew.piel
district 5 (central/east) = rebecca.boxall
district 6 (all) = long.pham
district 7 (all) = bowie.hogg
district 8 (all) = barbara.odom-wesley
AISD website .......................
McMurrough............ -
Fowler ................... -
Mike .................. -
Wilbanks .......... -
Chapa ...................... -
Richardson ... -
Haynes ................... -
TEA Accountability Data:
ARC Political Watch Committee Reports
includes coverage of Mansfield ISD and national, state, county, & city
Texas Legislative Online:
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