June 24, 2024 Newsletter

Home  ============ Citizens Defending Freedom vs. AISD Lawsuit ============== Taxpayers' Funds at Risk ============ July 22, 2024 Newsletter ============= Arlington City CouncilGrades ============= AISD Board Grades ============ July 15, 2024 Newsletter ============ July 8, 2024 Newsletter ============ July 1, 2024 Newsletter =========== June 24, 2024 Newsletter ============ ================  Jim Ross, Mayor ============= Mauricio Galante, District1 ============= Raul Gonzalez, District2 ============= Nikkie Hunter, District3 ============= Andrew Piel, District4 ============= Rebecca Boxall, District5 ============= Long Pham, District6 ============= Bowie Hogg, District7 ==============  Barbara Odom-Wesley, District8 ============= Sarah McMurrough, AISDPlace1 ============= Melody Fowler, AISDPlace2 ============= Larry Mike, AISDPlace3 ============= David Wilbanks, AISDPlace4 ============= Justin Chapa, AISDPlace5 ============= Brooklyn Richardson, AISDPlace6 ============= Leanne Haynes, AISDPlace7 ============= Fact Sheet - November 8, 2022 Election ============ ++++++++++++  ============= Kennedale Observer Homepage =========== Kennedale City CouncilGrades ========== Kennedale Observer - Latest Newsletter ============ Prior to That Newsletter ============== Brad Horton, Kennedale Mayor ============ David Glover, Kennedale Place 1 ============ Thelma Kobeck, Kennedale Place 2 =========== Ken Michels, Kennedale Place 3 ============ Chris Gary, Kennedale Place 4 =========== Jeff Nevarez, Kennedale Place 5 ============== Kennedale City Council Compare ========== 1083 Bowman Springs Road Kennedale ============ What to Know About the Texas Raceway Project ================ Kennedale EDC MMA contract information ==============


June 24, 2024 – Volume 18 Number 26


* AISD Board approves their unbalanced budget.

* The city council to meet Tuesday. They will approve/modify several corporate welfare deals.

* P&Z to meet Wednesday to approve another 331-unit apartment complex to overcrowd southeast Arlington.


Taxpayers' Funds at Risk:



City Council grades:



AISD Board grades:



Citizens Defending Freedom vs. AISD



Arlington is a city where citizens are relegated to being spectators, rather than players on the field. The SPECTATOR helps citizens know what is happening on the field. Only a few of the in-house team members are allowed to play ball in Arlington. The SPECTATOR helps citizens understand the game.



Monday, June 24: Comprehensive Plan Education, Downtown Library, 6:00pm.

Tuesday, June 25: City Council meetings, 101 W. Abram Street, 9:00am, 1:00pm, 6:30pm. (You must preregister by 5:00pm to speak during citizen participation.)

Wednesday, June 26: P&Z meeting, 101 W. Abram Street, 5:30pm. (Work session at 3:45pm.)

Thursday, July 4: Independence Day holiday.

Wednesday, July 17: P&Z meeting, 101 W. Abram Street, 5:30pm. (Work session at x:xxpm.)

?Thursday, August 1: AISD Board meeting, AISD Administration Building, 690 E. Lamar Boulevard, 6:30pm. (You must be signed up online by 3:00pm if you wish to speak.)



Arlington City Council Update

Last week we incorrectly reported that the council did not meet on Tuesday, June 11. They met with only six members present. [Mayor Ross and Council Members Odom-Wesley and Piel were absent.]

They will also meet this coming Tuesday, June 25 for a full slate of meetings. The one committee meeting is at 9:00am. The afternoon meeting starts at 11:15am and goes into executive session. The open portion of the afternoon meeting will start no sooner than 1:00pm. The evening meeting is at 6:30pm.


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Committee Meetings – June 11

The Community and Neighborhood Development Committee met to discuss Farmers Market feasibility (presentation). Survey results (760 responses) suggested leading possible locations were downtown, Vandergriff Park, and Veterans Park.

The Transportation and Municipal Infrastructure Committee met to discuss the Safe Streets Plan update (presentation). They also hope to obtain grant funds.


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Afternoon Meeting – June 11

The afternoon meeting agenda for June 11 can be found at: https://www.arlingtontx.gov/common/pages/DisplayFile.aspx?itemId=20318322 . Mayor Ross and Council Members Odom-Wesley and Piel were absent. The council voted to have Council Member Gonzalez chair the meetings for the day. The meeting may be viewed at: https://arlingtontx.granicus.com/player/clip/4854?view_id=9&redirect=true .

(3:22) Start of meeting. The appointment of Council Member Gonzalez to chair the meetings. The executive session agenda had five items, including the purchase of 501 N. East Street, three right-of-way easements, and the offers of incentives for business prospects.

The agenda for the open portion of the meeting included one work session item and three informal staff reports.

(2:13:37) Reconvene. The work session item was the continued coverage of comprehensive plan pieces, the Hike and Bike System Master Plan (presentation).

(2:21:55) The three informal staff reports were:

1. LiftFund program (staff report).

2. Invest in the economy (newsletter).

3. Trash cart service update (newsletter).

(2:27:23) Committee reports.

(2:32:30) Appointments and evening agenda items. No appointments. There was quite a bit of discussion on item 8.22 to create the comprehensive plan committee. TOTAL has asked for a continuance of the second reading on the gas drill zone (item 8.17) and the public hearing for gas drill permits at the Duke drill site, 1011 W. Harris Road.

(2:43:59) No future agenda items.


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Evening Meeting – June 11

The agenda included three right-of-way executive session items, two sets of minutes, 26 consent agenda items, four zoning public hearings, and a special ordinance. The full agenda may be viewed at: https://arlingtontx.granicus.com/DocumentViewer.php?file=arlingtontx_43fe48b07ea016e6b38768f5bc318362.pdf&view=1 . Mayor Ross and Council Members Odom-Wesley and Piel were absent. Council Member Gonzalez ran the meeting. The meeting may be viewed at: https://arlingtontx.granicus.com/player/clip/4855?view_id=9&redirect=true .

(3:57) Start of the meeting.

(14:25) Three right-of-way executive session items and two sets of minutes were approved with two 6-0 votes.

(17:12) The consent agenda saw one item, 8.17, pulled for separate consideration. The rest of the consent agenda had no speakers and was approved, 6-0.

Consent agenda item 8.8 was for renewal of the annual service and repair contract of the operable walls at the E-sports stadium (old convention center) for $450,505.

Consent agenda item 8.22 was for the creation of a comprehensive plan steering committee (staff report).

(21:07) Consent agenda item 8.17 was the second reading for the gas drilling zone at the Duke drill site, 1011 W. Harris Road. There were twelve speakers in opposition. It was tabled, 6-0.

(58:11) The first public hearing was zoning case PD24-4 for town homes at 2331 Ascension Boulevard (staff report). There are six deviations from code of the UDC (Unified Development Code) requirements. It was approved, 6-0.

(1:07:10) The second public hearing was zoning case PD21-2R1 for building a larger third building than originally planned at 300 E. Bardin Road and 407 E. Embercrest Drive (staff report). It was approved, 6-0.

(1:10:50) The third public hearing was zoning case PD24-02 for a planned development of multi-family at South Street and Dugan Street (staff report). They wish to build 65 units (greater than the allowable density). There are 12 deviations from code of the UDC (Unified Development Code) requirements. It was approved, 6-0.

(1:27:27) The fourth public hearing was for five new gas well permits at the Duke drill site, 1011 W. Harris Road (staff report). This was tabled, 6-0.

(1:31:41) The special ordinance had to do with updating rules and regulations of park facilities to include downtown facilities (staff report). This was approved, 6-0.

(1:33:23) There were three speakers during citizen participation. The first speaker wanted to give a blessing to the city. The second speaker had several issues (traffic, lawn equipment). The third speaker spoke of how the gay pride event was so wonderful...


This Week's Committee Meetings

The Municipal Policy Committee is scheduled to meet for an hour at 9:00am. They plan to split their time on two subjects, tree preservation and migration (presentation) and a cultural district update (presentation).

The Arlington Housing Finance Corporation (a quasi-committee) is scheduled to meet at 10:15am (agenda). Their agenda includes a development discussion on the Center Place Apartments, four resolutions, four reports, and a miscellaneous item of training and updates.


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This Week's Afternoon Meeting

This week's afternoon meeting will begin at 11:15am and go into executive session. The executive session agenda includes discussions of the Brittney Kennedy lawsuit, the purchasing option of 501 N. East Street, five easement rights-of-way that are on the evening agenda, and the offers of incentives to business prospects.

The open portion of the afternoon meeting will begin no sooner than 1:00pm. That portion of the agenda includes seven work session items and four informal staff reports.

Work session items.

1. FY2025 Budget Preview (no presentation available at the time of this writing).

2. 2025 Bond Election & Citizens’ Bond Committee (presentation).

3. Methodist Mansfield Medical Center Update (presentation).

4. Ambulance Contract and Rate Increase (presentation).

5. Ikon Technologies: Business Retention and Expansion (presentation). This is what was approved by the EDC last Tuesday and is on the evening agenda for the council.

6. Division Corridor Redevelopment Opportunity (presentation). For $13 million dollars and a ten-year city tax revenue dead zone, they want to put up [another] 145-unit hotel at the southeast corner of Division Street and Collins Street. This is on the evening agenda for approval.

7. Comprehensive Plan Element: Comprehensive Plan (presentation).

Informal staff reports.

1. Park and Ride Uses (staff report).

2. July 4th Fireworks Holiday Period Response Plan 2024 (staff report).

3. International Corridor Vision Implementation Options (staff report).

4. Support Youth and Families newsletter (newsletter).


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This Week's Evening Meeting

The agenda for the 6:30pm evening meeting includes five executive session easements, two sets of minutes, 51 consent agenda items, six public hearings, and three corporate welfare resolutions.

Consent agenda item 8.25 spends $7,129,536.25 on Phase II dredging of Johnson Creek (staff report).

Consent agenda item 8.43 officially elects Mr. Gonzalez to serve as deputy mayor pro tempore (resolution).

Consent agenda item 8.50 is for ambulance rate adjustments (staff report).

Consent agenda item 8.51 has four parts. The first item is correcting information regarding the EDC and Bell Helicopter agreement. The last three are extending agreed upon deadlines for Anthem (old Lincoln Square), Espace, and special friend/buddy developer Dodson (staff report).

Public hearing #1 is for zoning case ZA24-4 to change the zoning at 1865 Wimbledon Drive and 5031 Mansfield Road to OC (Office Commercial) zoning (staff report).

Public hearing #2 is for zoning case PD24-1 for a planned development MF22 for an assisted living facility at 498 Debbie Lane (staff report).

Public hearing #3 is for zoning case PD24-11 requesting rezoning to a planned development for a hotel at 4400 S. Collins Street (staff report).

Public hearing #4 is for the Non-Urban Indoor Recreation grant (staff report).

Public hearing #5 is for the Non-Urban Outdoor Recreation grant (staff report).

Public hearing #6 is for five new gas well permits for the Duke drill site, 1011 W. Harris Road (staff report).

Corporate welfare resolution #1 is the hotel agreement deal for the southeast corner of Division Street and Collins Street (staff report). For $13 million and the creation of a ten-year city revenue dead zone, we get a pile of __?__ (you fill in the blank) at Division Street and Collins Street.

Corporate welfare resolution #2 is an agreement between the EDC and Ikon Technologies that the EDC approved last week and to which the council needs to give its blessing (staff report). It retains (116) and adds (150) many new jobs in Arlington for $7 million.

Corporate welfare resolution #3 is an agreement with LiftFund (staff report). For $300,000 of city funds, 22 small business owners will get an interest free loan (up to $100,000/loan).


Economic Development Corporation (EDC)

The EDC had a meeting this past Tuesday, June 18. The packet can be found at: https://arlington.nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com/main/agendas/edc-board-meeting-posting-06.18.24.pdf .

There were three action items. The first was a performance deal for $7,000,000 with Ikon Technologies [staff report on page 12 of the packet – link above].

The second action items were “minor” adjustments to the Bell Helicopter deal [staff report on page 28 of the packet].

The third action item was a modification/ extending of the time to get leases to move to Arlington for Espace, LLC from 90 days to 120 days [staff report on page 37 of the packet].

All three items were approved, we guess easily and with little or no discussion.

Arlington’s EDC is easily the largest sales tax supported EDC in the state. This gives spending addicted politicians greater than $20 million annually with which to fund their buddies.


Upcoming Public Hearings

On Tuesday, June 25, the city council will hold a public hearing for ZA24-4, 2.203 acres at 1865 Wimbledon Drive and 5031 Mansfield Road. They wish to change to OC (Office Commercial) zoning.

On Tuesday, June 25, the city council will hold a public hearing on PD24-1, on the 10.73 acres at 498 Debbie Lane where they wish to allow for a planned development of MF-22 (multi-family) for assisted living units.

On Tuesday, June 25, the city council will hold a public hearing for PD24-11, at 4400 S. Collins Street, for construction of an upscale hotel.

On Tuesday, June 25, the city council will hold a public hearing for gas well permits at 1011 W. Harris Road.

On Wednesday, June 26, P&Z will hold a public hearing on Zoning Case PD23-39, 1117/ 1219/1221 Dan Gould. They wish for approval of a change in zoning from Residential Estate (RE) to Planned Development (PD) for Residential Medium-Density-12 (RM-12) for a Cottage Community with a development plan, on approximately 1.966 acres. If this passes, it will go to the city council on August 6.

On Wednesday, June 26, P&Z will hold a public hearing on Zoning Case PD24-10, 300 East Stephens Street. They wish for approval of a change in zoning from Airport Overlay (APO) – General Commercial (GC) to Planned Development (PD) for Residential Multi-Family-22 (RMF-22) uses, with a Development Plan on approximately 9.792 acres. If this passes, it will go to the city council on August 6.

On Wednesday, June 26, P&Z will hold a public hearing on Zoning Case SUP24-6, 1700 West Park Row Drive. They wish for approval of a Special Use Permit for a tattoo parlor. If this passes, it will go to the city council on August 6.

On Wednesday, July 17, P&Z will hold a public hearing on Zoning Case PD23-26, 500 block of Veritas Way and 2200 block of Veritas Way. They wish for approval of a revision to the approved Development Plan for Residential Single-Family-5 (PD-RS-5) uses, on approximately 5.499 acres.

On Tuesday, August 6, the city council will hold a public hearing on zoning case SUP22-3R1, 2118 East Abrams Street. They wish for approval of a revision to Specific Use Permit SUP22-3R1 for Used Vehicle Sales, on approximately 1.63 acres, currently zoned General Commercial (GC), to amend restrictions on assignability and transferability or other conditions.


P&Z Commission

P&Z should meet again on Wednesday, June 26. It looks like they have four zoning cases on their agenda but will only be hearing three.

The first case, PD23-26, 502 Veritas Way will be continued until July 17.

The second case, PD23-39, 1117/1219/1221 Dan Gould, is to change RE (residential estate) to RM12 for a cottage community on 1.996 acres (staff report). There are six deviations from UDC standards.

The third case, PD24-10, 300 East Stephens Street, is to change zoning to Planned Development (PD) for Residential Multi-Family-22 (RMF-22) on 9.792 acres (staff report). They wish to build three 4-story buildings with 331 apartment units with 11 deviations from UDC standards.

The final case, SUP24-6 is for a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for a Tattoo Parlor at 1700 W. Park Row Drive (staff report).


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AISD School Board

The school board met this past Tuesday, June 18, where they approved the budget that had a $29 million deficit prior to adding compensation adjustments. Compensation adjustments added another $23 million of spending, as they gave a 4% raise for the fifth year in a row.

[Commentary: The AISD already had the highest paid employees. The FWISD and GPISD, a pair of the “closer”, but still distant, competition gave 2% raises. The 4% raise was justified according to some board members, to remain “competitive”. There still appears to be little effort of solving the real problem, though they do recognize a “culture” issue.]

That agenda can be found at: https://www.aisd.net/wp-content/files/2024.06.18-Regular-Meeting-Agenda.pdf . Mr. Wilbanks attended virtually. The rest of the board was present. The meeting may be viewed at: https://www.youtube.com/live/wJm4xyIRvLo .

The agenda included an executive session, two public hearings, citizen forum for agenda items, committee report (Citizens Bond Oversight Committee), appointments, four action items, consent agenda items, citizen forum for non-agenda items, end of meeting reports, and a student appeal hearing.

In the executive session they were expected to discuss personnel, attorney discussions regarding potential and pending litigation, and discuss superintendent duties and evaluation.

(32:58) Reconvene in open session.

(34:35) The two public hearings were on the proposed 2024-2025 budget and tax rate and federal grant allotments. There was one speaker on the budget and tax rate.

(53:34) There were no speakers on agenda items.

(53:53) Discussion item, Citizen Bond Oversight Committee report. The twelve charges of the committee were discussed and discussed.

(1:54:14) Appointments.

Crystal Dunlap - Principal at Pope Elementary.

Dolloress Johnson - Executive Director for Human Resources.

Action Items.

(2:10:26) Consider approval of the budgets. It was approved, 7-0.

(2:12:04) Consider the charge and naming members of the Financial Futures Committee. This was approved, 7-0.

[Commentary: The AISD continues to NOT follow TOMA (Texas Open Meeting Act) by not holding published committee meetings. These committees state the charge and name members and are rubber-stamped by the board. This is addressed on page 16 of the TOMA Handbook produced by the Texas Attorney General, https://oag.state.tx.us/sites/default/files/files/divisions/open-government/openmeetings_hb.pdf#page=23 . Nowhere in the packet or at the meeting is the public told who the committee members are, nor what changes to the charge, if any, were made.]

(2:13:06) Consider the charge and naming members of the Bond Oversight Committee. It was approved, 7-0.

[Commentary: Nowhere in the packet is the public told who the committee members are, nor what changes to the charge were made. This is all done behind closed doors. You have an opportunity to speak for or against but have NO information to speak on.]

(2:14:34) Consider the schematic design for the AISD Security and Transportation Center. It was approved, 7-0.

(2:54:07) Consent agenda. Nothing was pulled or discussed. It was approved, 7-0.

(2:54:52) There was one speaker on non-agenda items. He spoke on several issues.

(2:58:17) End of meeting reports.


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TEA Accountability Data:

2023 STAAR Performance

2022 Accountability

2021 Accountability

2019 Accountability


In 2020, the AISD was tied for the highest M&O rate of all the school districts in Tarrant County. Since then, there has been NO tie. The AISD HAS the highest M&O rate in Tarrant County. [school district tax rates]

Top 5 of Tarrant County's 21 ISDs M&O Rates

1. Arlington ISD $0.824900

2. Fort Worth ISD $0.790400

3. Mansfield ISD $0.789200

3. Birdville ISD $0.789200

3. Everman ISD $0.789200


Of Tarrant County's 21 ISDs - Lowest Tax Rates

1. HEB ISD $0.921100

2. Burleson ISD $0.924700

3. Carroll ISD $1.002500

4. Azle ISD $1.025000

5. Fort Worth ISD $1.062400

6. Keller ISD $1.087500

7. Northwest ISD $1.090200

8. Everman ISD $1.094146

9. Arlington ISD $1.115600

10. Lewisville ISD $1.130100


AISD Under Performs on STAAR

The Arlington Report story as reported by The Fort Worth Report written by Dang Le: https://fortworthreport.org/2024/06/21/arlington-isd-still-lags-behind-in-staar-heres-a-breakdown-of-results .

Mr. Le states that, “No grade or subject saw over 45% of students meet grade level.” Couple that with the fact that the AISD has the highest paid teachers [for several years, and yet test scores are not even close], and the question becomes, when is the real problem going to be fixed?


Press Box

Allan Saxe Remembered

Here is an article By Amanda Aldridge and Pedro Malkomes, The Shorthorn staff. The Shorthorn link: https://www.theshorthorn.com/news/allan-saxe-gave-back-to-community-supported-local-nonprofits/article_04a0bab4-2f71-11ef-a5ff-a329677ebfb3.html . The city's story by Susan Schrock: Remembering the Contributions of Professor and Philanthropist Dr. Allan Saxe - City of Arlington (arlingtontx.gov) Arlington Report/Fort Worth Report story by Kailey Broussard and Drew Shaw: https://fortworthreport.org/2024/06/19/arlington-philanthropist-allan-saxe-dies-leaving-long-legacy-around-city-uta .


High-speed Rail?

The Dallas city council passed a resolution opposing what others have worked so hard to try to impress on us. I guess we will see how this plays out. The Eric C. Garcia story as reported in the Fort Worth Reporthttps://fortworthreport.org/2024/06/13/not-a-unilateral-decision-north-texas-leaders-vow-to-work-together-on-high-speed-rail-plan/ .



The Spectatorwww.ArlSpectator.mysite.com

to be added/deleted to/from the mailing list e-mail: ArlSpectator@yahoo.com

We can be found on Facebook at ArlSpectator.

Taxpayers' Funds at Risk:



City Council grades:



AISD Board grades:



City of Arlington website: www.arlingtontx.gov

e-mails of mayor and council

.................... first.last@arlingtontx.gov

mayor = jim.ross

district 1 (north) = mauricio.galante

district 2 (sw) = raul.gonzalez

district 3 (se) = nikkie.hunter

district 4 (west) = andrew.piel

district 5 (central/east) = rebecca.boxall

district 6 (all) = long.pham

district 7 (all) = bowie.hogg

district 8 (all) = barbara.odom-wesley


AISD website ....................... www.aisd.net

McMurrough............ - sarahforaisd@gmail.com

Fowler ................... - fowler.aisd@gmail.com

Mike .................. - larrymike.aisd@gmail.com

Wilbanks .......... - david@wilbanksforaisd.com

Chapa ...................... - chapa.aisd@gmail.com

Richardson ... - brooklyn.richardson.aisd@gmail.com

Haynes ................... - haynes.aisd@gmail.com


TEA Accountability Data:

2023 STAAR Performance

2022 Accountability

2021 Accountability

2019 Accountability



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To be added to/deleted from our mailing list please e-mail: ArlSpectator@yahoo.com