P&Z Agenda - April 25, 2024

Home  ============ Citizens Defending Freedom vs. AISD Lawsuit ============== Taxpayers' Funds at Risk ============ October 21, 2024 Newsletter ============= Arlington City CouncilGrades ============= AISD Board Grades ============ October 14, 2024 Newsletter ============ October 7, 2024 Newsletter ============ September 30, 2024 Newsletter ============ September 23, 2024 Newsletter =========== ================  Jim Ross, Mayor ============= Mauricio Galante, District1 ============= Raul Gonzalez, District2 ============= Nikkie Hunter, District3 ============= Andrew Piel, District4 ============= Rebecca Boxall, District5 ============= Long Pham, District6 ============= Bowie Hogg, District7 ==============  Barbara Odom-Wesley, District8 ============= Sarah McMurrough, AISDPlace1 ============= Melody Fowler, AISDPlace2 ============= Larry Mike, AISDPlace3 ============= David Wilbanks, AISDPlace4 ============= Justin Chapa, AISDPlace5 ============= Brooklyn Richardson, AISDPlace6 ============= Leanne Haynes, AISDPlace7 ============= Fact Sheet - November 8, 2022 Election ============ ++++++++++++  ============= Kennedale Observer Homepage =========== Kennedale City CouncilGrades ========== Kennedale Observer - Latest Newsletter ============ Prior to That Newsletter ============== Brad Horton, Kennedale Mayor ============ David Glover, Kennedale Place 1 ============ Thelma Kobeck, Kennedale Place 2 =========== Ken Michels, Kennedale Place 3 ============ Chris Gary, Kennedale Place 4 =========== Jeff Nevarez, Kennedale Place 5 ============== Kennedale City Council Compare ========== 1083 Bowman Springs Road Kennedale ============ What to Know About the Texas Raceway Project ================ Kennedale EDC MMA contract information ==============


To address the Planning and Zoning Commission regarding an agenda item, submit a ‘Request to Speak’ form before the meeting begins. Speakers are allotted three (3) minutes, must limit their comments to the subject indicated on the form, and should address the Planning and Zoning Commission as a whole, rather than individual members or staff. Pursuant to Texas Government Code §551.071, the Planning and Zoning Commission reserves the right to adjourn into Executive (Closed) Session at any time during the meeting to seek legal advice from the City Attorney on any item posted on the agenda.



At this time, any person may address the Planning and Zoning Commission about items not on the agenda. Rules and procedures for addressing the Planning and Zoning Commission are included under "I. CALL TO ORDER". Neither formal action nor discussion may occur at this time. Those wishing, instead, to speak on an agenda item should indicate their desire to speak as the Planning and Zoning Commission considers that item. 




These matters have appeared on previous agendas, require little or no deliberation, or are considered routine or ministerial tasks. If discussion is desired, items may be removed for separate consideration.

1. Approval of the minutes from the February 29, 2024 Special Meeting



1. Consider a request for Final Plat for Emerald Crest Estates to create Lots 1 through 10, and Lot 1X, being Lots R1 through 5R and 6, Block 1, Amending Plat of Emerald Crest Estates, an Addition to the City of Kennedale, Tarrant County, Texas.


1. PZ CASE #24-08 to conduct a public hearing and consider a proposed Conditional Use Permit as required by Section 24.2 (C) of the Unified Development Code for “Battery Energy Storage Systems,” a new land use, located at 509 S New Hope Rd, Tract 1EE & A1327 TRS 2B01 & 2B04, Abstract 378, situated in the Cannon E C Survey, and 501 S NEW HOPE RD, Block 1, Lot 1, of the Kim Addition, and City of Kennedale, Tarrant County, Texas



The Planning and Zoning Commission reserves the right to meet in Executive (Closed) Session at any time during the meeting pursuant to the below cited sections of the Texas Government Code:

A. PURSUANT TO §551.071 — Consultation with the City Attorney pertaining to any matter in which the duty of the City Attorney under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct may conflict with the Open Meetings Act, including discussion of any item posted on the agenda, legal issues regarding
the Open Meetings Act.

B. PURSUANT TO §551.072 — Deliberation regarding the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property.

C. PURSUANT TO §551.074 — Deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee; or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee.

D. PURSUANT TO §551.087 — (1) Deliberation regarding commercial or financial information that the governmental body has received from a business prospect that the governmental body seeks to have locate, stay, or expand in or near the territory of the governmental body and with which the governmental body is conducting economic development negotiations; or (2) to deliberate the offer of a financial or other incentive to a business prospect described by Subdivision.






In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the City of Kennedale will provide for reasonable accommodations for persons attending meetings. This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for sign interpreter services must be made forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting by calling 817-985-2104 or (TTY) 1-800-735-2989.









Consider a request for Final Plat for Emerald Crest Estates to create Lots 1 through 10, and Lot 1X, being Lots R1 through 5R and 6, Block 1, Amending Plat of Emerald Crest Estates, an Addition to the City of Kennedale, Tarrant County, Texas.



Emerald Crest consists of 10 new residential single-family lots and 1 HOA-maintained lot reserved for on-site drainage detention. The existing zoning will remain R-3. Engineering review for this site has been completed and a Site Development Permit has been approved. The plat meets all planning requirements.


Staff recommends approval.

1. Final Plat Emerald Crest Estates Final Plat Emerald Crest Estates.pdf

BL BUILDING LINE WHEREAS, TRIFECTA HOMES LLC, acting by and through the undersigned, its duly authorized agent, is the sole owner of all of that certain tract, parcel, or lot of land located in the J. Prickett Survey, Abstract No. 1225 and the E.R. Mingus Survey, Abstract No. 1075, City of Kennedale, County of Tarrant, State of Texas, according UE UTILITY EASEMENT to County Clerk's No. D218195156, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas, and being all of Lots 1R thru 5R and Lot 6, Block 1, EMERALD CREST ESTATES, an addition to the City of Kennedale, Tarrant County, Texas, according to the plat recorded in County Clerk's No. Instrument No. D218232964, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas and WLE WATER LINE EASEMENT being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows:










PZ CASE #24-08 to conduct a public hearing and consider a proposed Conditional Use Permit as required by Section 24.2 (C) of the Unified Development Code for “Battery Energy Storage Systems,” a new land use, located at 509 S New Hope Rd, Tract 1EE & A1327 TRS 2B01 & 2B04, Abstract 378, situated in the Cannon E C Survey, and 501 S NEW HOPE RD, Block 1, Lot 1, of the Kim Addition, and City of Kennedale, Tarrant County, Texas



Request Conditional Use Permit Applicant Parker Sloan for Cypress Creek Renewables
Location 501 & 509 S New Hope Rd
Surrounding Uses Industrial and Residential
Surrounding Zoning I, PD-MHD, R-2
Future Land Use Neighborhoods, Park & Open Space Designation
Staff Recommendation Not Recommended

The property at 501 S New Hope Rd is approximately 9.36 acres and is zoned PD-MHD.The current zoning allows for single-family use, however, it was rezoned to a Planned Development to allow for the existing manufactured home to be placed on-site.

The property at 509 S New Hope Rd is approximately 48 acres, not platted, and currently split-zoned. The western acreage with frontage off a S New Hope Rd carries R-2 Single-Family Residential District zoning (+/- 8.65 ac), with the larger acreage to the east zoned I-Industrial District (Highlighted in green, Exhibit A). Aside from an accessory structure near the road, the property is undeveloped.

Both 501 & 509 S. New Hope Rd are heavily treed parcels and owned by the same entity. Both floodways and floodplains exist within the properties. Exhibit A- 509 S New Hope Rd, Kennedale, TX 76060

501 S New Hope Rd is surrounded by R-3 single-family residential to the north, I-Industrial District to the east, and R-2 single-family residential to the west and south.

The eastern forty acres of 509 S New Hope Rd are surrounded by I-Industrial to the north, south, and east. An Oncor substation is located directly north. The western eight acres of 509 S New Hope Rd are surrounded by R-2 Single-family residential properties to the north, south, and west.

The current Future Land Use (FLUP) Map has this area designated as “Neighborhood Residential” with “Parks & Open Space” (See Exhibit B). Kennedale’s adopted Comprehensive Plans provide samples of types of development that should occur within Neighborhood Villages. These include neighborhood-serving retail and services, context-sensitive small-scale multifamily, restaurants, and community offerings.

The FLUP has also called for an extension of Little School Rd across Kennedale Parkway providing a connection to New Hope Rd. The planning and route study for this road extension is currently underway. City Council has recently approved a route study to be performed by Freese & Nichols, Inc. Tarrant County has also granted funding to assist with the construction costs of the project. At this time, it is unclear which route the Little School Rd will extend to the south and how much right-of-way will need to be secured and/or extended on both sides of Kennedale Parkway (See Exhibit B). City Council has noted their preferred route and has authorized Freese & Nichols to begin their environmental and feasibility studies (See Exhibit C). City Council approved a measure for CO bonds to fund the project, however, the bonds have yet to be issued and require additional action by the City Council. Should the bonds be issued, this new road extension will create a new gateway, opening up the western half of the city for development.

Exhibit B- FLUP & Little School Rd Extension

Exhibit C- Preferred Route (Phase 1, Green Box) III. ZONING REVIEW FOR PROPOSED LAND USE

In May of 2023, staff met with the team of Cypress Creek Renewables who are considering developing the eastern acreage of 509 S New Hope for what they described as a Battery Energy Storage System, which they’ve named Fort Watt. Most of the actual site development will occur at 509 S New Hope Rd, however, a portion of 501 S New Hope Rd will be used for site access. Staff’s understanding of the operation is that the proposed system utilizes large grid-connected batteries to store energy, and then release it back onto the grid when demand is high. The batteries are built upon a slab or pier and an be removed as needed. Parker Sloan of Cypress Creek Renewables provided photos to help illustrate the type of equipment they plan to use (See Figures 1 & 2).

In August of 2023, Cypress Creek Renewables appeared before the Board of Adjustment to obtain a land use determination. At the time, Cypress Creek believed the appropriate land use classification listed in our current UDC was Infrastructure and utilities-regional, a use permitted by right within the I-Industrial District. Staff’s interpretation, however, differed and considered the land use to be Outdoor storage. A public hearing was held and the Board of Adjustment recommended the case be referred to the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council for the new land use of Battery Energy Storage Systems under application for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP).

Figure 1- Battery on Slab Figure 2- Battery on Pier

Following the BOA decision in August 2023, staff met with representatives for Cypress Creek Renewable in preparation for their application for CUP. The proposed site plan has changed to allow for any potential extension of Little School Rd. Previously, the road extension would have cut directly through their proposed site. The site itself has been redesigned and shifted further south, out of the area where the Little School Rd extension is proposed. Both site plans have been provided for review. In either scenario, the proposed site itself would be tucked away towards the back acreage and likely unseen from S New Hope Rd. The site, however, would be visible from the proposed bridge over the railroad as part of the Little School Rd. extension.

As previously noted, the FLUP envisions the proposed site to become a future residential area with an open park and green space. As such, the proposed development would not be consistent with the city’s adopted plans.


In early 2024, the Fire Chief, Fire Marshal, and staff met with Cypress Creek to discuss emergency response concerns given the nature of the batteries, the potential for thermal runaway, and emergency management planning. Site precautions, fire suppression systems, and a series of redundancies built into the system were presented and discussed. A plume study was requested by KDF and is currently underway. This study would show the extent of any vapors or gases should there be fire at the location. Cypress Creek has performed similar studies at other sites and each has shown that any potential hazards following a fire would be relegated to the limits of the property. Staff believes the study that is underway will likely net similar results. A letter from the Fire Marshal has been included for review noting concerns the Fire Department has. Staff has also spoken with Interim Chief, Lt. Brian King, who shares the same concerns. Despite the safety redundancies, emergency response planning would remain the same as a hazmat incident, likely requiring a shelter-in-place order as a precautionary measure. Given the small size of the Kennedale Fire Department, mutual aid with neighboring jurisdictions would likely be required. The main driver of KFD’s concerns is that the site would be centrally located within Kennedale as opposed to the outer rim of the community where other jurisdictions have allowed these to be developed.

Cypress Creek has provided an in-depth F.A.Q. regarding their battery systems and estimated tax benefits for the community. Staff recommends both P&Z and City Council review these submittal documents for consideration.

Given the need for resiliency of the state’s electrical power grid, alternative energy systems provide a feasible solution. Zoning in most jurisdictions, however, often fails to foresee or account for new advancements in technology. The Kennedale UDC itself notes the difficulty with capturing all future or proposed land uses in its governing documents, hence the request to consider each new land use under its own merits through the CUP application. This proposed development would not only be new and unique to Kennedale, but to the region overall.


Given the concerns raised by KDF and that the proposed development is not consistent with the city’s adopted plans, staff does not recommend approval for a Conditional Use Permit at this time.

1. (EY) Cypress Creek-TX-Tarrant-Fort Watt BESS- (EY) Cypress Creek-TX-Tarrant-Fort Watt BESS-Project Presentation-FINAL_10.26.23 (3) Project Presentation-FINAL_10.26.23 (3).pdf
2. ACP-Energy-Storage-Enhances-Reliability-Lowers- ACP-Energy-Storage-Enhances-Reliability-Lowers-Costs Costs.pdf
3. BatteryFAQ_072423_HighResV2 (1) BatteryFAQ_072423_HighResV2 (1).pdf
4. Fort Watt Neighborhood Letter 2 (1) Fort Watt Neighborhood Letter 2 (1).pdf
5. Initial Site Plan Initial Site Plan .pdf
6. Site Plan Option 2 Fort Watt Storage_Opt2-Conceptual Siteplan_2024-04-03.pdf
7. TI_20231208_PT2 Battery Emergency Response TI_20231208_PT2 Battery Emergency Response Guide Guide USA_V7.2_EN USA_V7.2_EN.pdf
8. Letter from Fire Marshal Letter from Fire Marshal .pdf Fort Watt BESS

Project Overview Project Timing
20+ year anticipated project life 14 months of on-site construction

Estimated ~400 MW / 2 Hour Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) Estimated Construction Start Date in Q4 2025
Estimated Commercial Operations Date in Q4 2026
Located on a portion of a 48.95-acre tract
Project Investment
Tarrant CAD Parcel ID Number: A-378-1EE
Estimated ~$169,000,000 in Y1 property tax values to jurisdictions

Battery Storage

Installed on large racks in battery containers

Interconnected lithium-ion batteries

Same technology typical in cell phones or laptops

Local Impact
Limited local hiring, but expecting upwards of 30-40 staff on site at peak during construction using hotel and local services

No anticipated impact on local roads and traffic. Road use agreement will be in place with County

No anticipated water needs

Projects generate almost no noise and require little maintenance once operational which minimizes these impacts to the local community

Zero emissions facilities, with no adverse impact on air quality Fort Watt BESS

20 Yrs Estimated Tax Summary

20yr Summary by Jurisdiction
33,275,743 Land Only Land + Storage
Land+Storage 20 Year Est. Taxes

249,993 16,142,182
Land Only 20 Year Est. Taxes
2022 Tax Rates by Jurisdiction

1.0% 2022 Total Tax Rate 2,760,136

0.1945% 0.1945% T C COLLEGE

0M 5M 10M 15M 20M
ISD CITY COUNTY Project Location
Fort Watt BESS Proposed Reinvestment Zone
509 S New Hope Rd, Kennedale, TX, USA
Map of Possible Location Energy Storage
Energy Storage Lowers Electricity
Costs & Reduces Ratepayer Bills
Credit: AES

Energy storage technologies are uniquely positioned to reduce energy
system costs and, over the long-term, lower rates for consumers by:
• Optimizing the grid;
• Bolstering reliability; and
• Enabling a clean grid.

How does storage reduce energy costs?
Supports the integration of more wind and solar generation: Wind and solar are the
cheapest sources of electricity. Energy storage supports the integration of higher and higher
shares of renewables, enabling the expansion and incorporation of the most cost-effective
sources of electricity generation.

Reduces energy waste: Energy storage can help eliminate energy waste and maximize
2 the benefits of renewable energy. Energy storage is the only grid technology that can
both store and discharge energy. By storing energy when there is excess supply of
renewable energy compared to demand, energy storage can reduce the need to curtail
generation facilities and use that energy later when it is needed.

Improves grid efficiency: Energy storage is instantly dispatchable to function both as
3 generation and load, so it can help the grid adjust to fluctuations in demand and supply,
which optimizes grid efficiency, alleviates transmission congestion, and increases grid
flexibility. This reduces overall system costs.

Limits costly energy imports and increases energy security: Energy storage improves
4 energy security and maximizes the use of affordable electricity produced in the United States.

Prevents and minimizes power outages: Energy storage can help prevent or reduce
5 the risk of blackouts or brownouts by increasing peak power supply and by serving as
backup power for homes, businesses, and communities. Disruptions to power supply can
be extremely costly and hazardous to health and safety. Energy storage makes the grid
more resilient and reliable.

July 2023 cleanpower.org Energy Storage
Energy Storage Enhances
Grid Reliability & Resilience
Credit: AES

Energy storage is, at its core, a resilience enabling and reliability enhancing technology.
Across the country, states are choosing energy storage as the best and most cost-effective
way to improve grid resilience and reliability.

How do energy storage systems strengthen grid reliability?

Frequency Response and Regulation: Energy storage ensures the moment-to-moment
1 stability of the electric system at all times.

Peaking Capacity: Energy storage meets short-term spikes in electric system demand
2 that can otherwise require use of lower-efficiency, higher-cost generation resources.

Maximizing Renewable Energy Resource: Energy storage reduces curtailment of
3 renewable generation resources and maximizes their contribution to system reliability.

Grid Infrastructure Support: Energy storage relieves transmission and distribution
4 infrastructure congestion, prevents reliability violations on power lines, enhances the
resilience of wires infrastructure, and creates a more flexible power system.

Increasing Operational Flexibility: Energy storage facilitates efficient integration of a
5 diversity of generation resources and improves the ability of the electric grid to adapt
rapidly to changes in demand and generation.

Improving Grid Resilience: Energy storage serves as back-up power for individual
6 homes, businesses, communities, and the broader grid system to minimize and prevent
power outages and service interruptions from extreme weather.

July 2023 cleanpower.orgFrequently Asked
Battery Energy
Storage Systems

How is energy storage useful?
Energy storage provides the ability to capture energy in times of abundance for later use in times of high demand and scarcity. It makes the electric grid more reliable and resilient by converting energy from intermittent sources such as solar and wind into reliable, dispatchable power. Additionally, energy storage helps reduce power costs to consumers and improve local air and water quality.

What are the components?
A grid-connected battery storage system consists of batteries that store the energy, inverters that convert DC to AC power, communications equipment that allows for 24/7 control and monitoring of the batteries, and equipment that ensures safe and reliable operation. These components and battery systems are housed in specially-engineered enclosures.

What type of batteries are used in the system?
Cypress Creek exclusively sources Lithium Iron Phosphate (LFP) cells from Tier 1 suppliers, meeting the strictest quality and safety requirements. LFP battery cells, in addition to having superior thermal properties, do not utilize cobalt and nickel metals, the extraction and processing of which have been associated with human rights issues and environmental damage.

Where should, or could, the systems be located?
Energy storage is typically connected at utility substations near major transmission corridors. Energy storage is best located in areas where it can provide the greatest benefits to consumers, such as metropolitan areas and industrial centers.

What are the local economic benefits?
Energy Storage provides generous property tax revenues to support a community’s schools, roads, infrastructure and more while creating an exceedingly small footprint without any extra traffic or other impacts on utilities, schools, roads, etc.

What is the visual impact of the project?
Energy storage projects are typically located on privately-owned land directly next to an electrical substation and a major electrical corridor serving the community’s residents. Landscape screening can be used to minimize or eliminate any visual impact of the equipment.

CCRENEW.COM ©2023 CYPRESS CREEK RENEWABLESDoes the equipment make a sound?
The sound associated with operating energy storage facilities is due to HVAC units that ensure the system operates efficiently and safely. Periodic sound from each HVAC unit would be comparable to a commercial HVAC unit. These units are located next to the site’s interior and away from any public roads. The distance of the equipment from the property boundary and visual vegetative screening installed will significantly reduce any periodic sound from the facility.

How will this project impact my power bill?
Energy storage can capture energy in times of abundance and low cost for later use in times of high demand and cost. When retail power providers and utilities can purchase energy at lower wholesale rates, especially in peak demand, those energy and fuel savings can be passed through to consumers.

Battery Storage Safety

Is Energy Storage safe?
Energy Storage uses technologies we rely on every day. Cypress Creek uses established safety equipment and strategies to ensure that risks associated with the installation and operation of the battery systems are appropriately mitigated. Safety-by-design is incorporated at every stage from manufacturing to installation to operation.

What happens in the unlikely event of a fire?
Battery fires occur very rarely and only due to extreme circumstances. The likelihood of fire is substantially lower in grid-scale energy storage systems compared to consumer products due to multiple layers of engineered safety features. Energy storage systems are designed and tested in accordance with strict national fire safety standards to ensure that any event is contained in an efficient manner with no adverse impact to the public or adjacent property.

Further, Cypress Creek closely collaborates with first responders early and throughout the project to ensure they are fully trained on Emergency Response Procedures associated with our battery storage systems. Safety is incorporated into every aspect of design in our battery storage systems:

• Safety is one reason that we have selected Lithium Iron Phosphate (LFP) cells as our preferred battery technology. LFP cells have superior thermal properties compared to other commercially available lithium-ion batteries.
• Battery racks in the system are equipped with sensors that continuously monitor battery temperature and performance, allowing the system to take automatic preventative measures.
• The engineered containers utilize liquid cooling and other thermal management systems including fans, ventilation, and heating and cooling equipment to maintain optimal performance and safe operating temperatures for the battery cells.
• The containers also include equipment designed to instantly detect and mitigate abnormal conditions, with automatic and remote functionality. Fireproof barriers within the system, along with engineered ventilation and layout, allow for safe heat dissipation and fire containment.

Is it possible for the batteries to leak into the groundwater?
No. All energy storage designs incorporate multiple levels of redundant containment to prevent any leakage of materials.

CCRENEW.COM ©2023 CYPRESS CREEK RENEWABLESAre these systems held to any nationally recognized safety standards?
Energy storage systems are considered critical electrical infrastructure and are held to similar standards such as the National Fire Protection Associations Standard 855, and numerous Underwriter Laboratories (UL) standards including 9540A testing and Standard 9540 manufacturing standards for Energy Storage Systems. They also must comply with the 2021 International Fire Code and the U.S National Electric Code.

Are there any emissions?
No, the operation of an energy storage facility requires no water consumption and creates no emissions. Maintenance

Who is responsible for maintenance?
Once constructed, energy storage systems require minimal maintenance. Electrical engineers will service the inverters and transformers on average once per quarter. The system is monitored both locally and remotely and most systems are either automated or can be activated or turned off remotely.

Decommissioning & Recycling

What happens at the end of the project’s life?
Cypress Creek is committed to responsibly decommissioning all of our projects at the end of their useful lives. Although the mechanisms for doing so are based on local needs and regulations, every project is contractually obligated to be decommissioned per our lease/purchase agreements with our landowner partners. Decommissioning and dismantling the system is expected about twenty years after the facility is built.

Generally much of the metal equipment within the facility can be recycled. As the deployment of energy storage technology grows across the country, the energy storage industry is developing recycling opportunities to meet future demand.

For more information, visit:








Dear <<Name>>,

My name is Parker Sloan and I work with Cypress Creek Renewables. Cypress Creek Renewables is a national solar and energy storage company who has developed projects in Texas since 2014. I am reaching out today to introduce myself and give you information about an energy storage project that is proposed at least 1,200 feet to the east of S New Hope Rd in your area. The proposed project parcel is A 378-1EE, owned by Hawa Inc.

You will likely receive a notice about this project, as we are going to appear in front of the Planning and Zoning Commission on April 25th. After that meeting, we may have additional meetings at the Planning and Zoning Commission, or we will move on to appear before the City Council at a later date for further discussion about the project. The project is expected to start construction in late-2025.

Enclosed I have included a brief questions and answers regarding the project and a small map intended to give you some sense of where the proposed project is located.

Please feel free to reach out to us via phone or email before then if you have any questions. If there is interest, we are happy to set up a time to meet and talk through any questions you may have, either virtually over the phone or in person (at your home, coffee shop, wherever is convenient for you!). We plan to hold a neighborhood meeting prior to appearing before City Council to ensure you have the opportunity to have your voice heard and any questions answered. I have included my contact information below, as well as the contact information for my colleague Ethan Agrawal who is working on this project with me.

Kind Regards,


Parker Sloan
Director Community & Economic Development
828-367-9035 | parker.sloan@ccrenew.com

Ethan Agrawal
Project Developer
210-473-7806 | ethan.agrawal@ccrenew.com

How does it work?

Just like charging your phone while you sleep, energy storage systems efficiently and conveniently capture electricity so that it can be used when it’s most needed. Grid-connected energy storage doesn’t move or emit any pollution. A grid-connected energy storage system consists of batteries, racks for the batteries, inverters that convert DC energy to AC energy, communications equipment that allow control and monitoring of the batteries, and equipment that ensures the batteries can operate safely. Various types of energy storage have been utilized for more than a century, and the oldest battery storage projects currently in operation have been serving the electrical grid for more than a decade.

Is it safe for neighbors of the facility?

Yes! Battery energy storage systems undergo rigorous health and safety testing, and facilities come equipped with a wide range of state-of-the-art technologies that prevent, monitor, and respond in real time in the unlikely event something does happen. The Electric Power Research Institute published that there have been twenty-two battery system failures since 2012, or in other words, a failure rate of less than two percent. However, in any of these failures, the incidents had no impact outside the bounds of the facility. We will also work with all local emergency services on having clear emergency response plans, proper training, and clear processes for responding to any events. Cypress Creek operates a 24/7/365 control center with local technicians, monitoring and responding as necessary.

Why this location?

The demand for electricity in Kennedale and the surrounding area is growing and projects like energy storage systems are an answer to the volatile grid supply and demand felt by people all over Texas and your area. This location is unique and is close to an electrical substation and a specific power line in need
of more capacity.

What does it look like?

Energy storage systems connected to the electrical grid are housed in specially engineered outdoor-rated cabinets. While residential systems are generally installed on the exterior of homes and about the size of whole-home HVAC systems, grid-scale facilities vary in size. Our project proposed for the City of Kennedale is about the size of a basketball court. There are currently hundreds of Utility-Scale energy storage projects operating and in construction throughout the entire United States, including in extremes of arctic and desert environments, each tailored for the unique setting and community it serves. Energy storage facilities are located in dense, urban centers as well as rural and remote areas. These operating energy storage projects, wherever they are located, provide valuable reliability and resilience services to the electrical grid in communities across the country. This project will remain hidden within the  parcel of land due to much of the existing vegetation staying in place because of the streams and associated floodplain.






Cypress Creek Renewables Review:

In regards to the proposed battery storage facility located at 509 & 501 S. New Hope Road, I have the following concerns about the facility. I am concerned about the access to the site and what kind of hazard it will pose to the neighboring properties. I know the units will be self-contained and in the event of a fire  will most likely extinguish themselves with their internal systems. The concern is having to evacuate the citizens from their homes and businesses when we do have a fire. The isolation distance can range anywhere from a quarter mile to half a mile depending on the wind speed and direction. The hazardous fumes created from a fire could also pose a threat to the animals in the neighboring fields. Kennedale has several areas where farming and livestock are a way of life for the citizens.

I have spoken to several cities where the storage facilities have been placed. The cities explained, they have not had many calls for service since the installation. The major concern they have is when the facility has a fire, they will not have enough resources to contain the blaze. The other concern was the fumes from the off-gassing batteries and evacuations of their citizens.

I believe the location proposed for the battery storage facility would not be suitable for this area. The storage facility would need to be located away from urban areas where the risks would be at a minimum.

Best regards,
Melvin Wilson – Fire Marshal

405 MUNICIPAL DRIVE – KENNEDALE, TEXAS 76060- 817-985-2150