Marvin Sutton, Candidate for District 3

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1. Protection of Taxpayers' Dollars – please respond by March 2, 2023

How much of a priority should be placed on protecting taxpayers' dollars? If we are granting dollars for “economic development” should the company be vetted? Should an “economic development” grant require an actual application? Why or why not?

Protecting public dollars is a high priority for me. As a former council member, I opposed projects that I believed other alternatives or funding were available. I'm accountable and responsible for every taxpayer's dollar that's spent on behalf of the public to improve our city. I carefully evaluate how taxpayers' dollars are spent and the desired impact it will have on our quality of life. A thorough vetting process should be required when granting taxpayers' money for economic development. Full disclosure of campaign contributions and gifts to council members, their family members, and associates should be part of the application process.



2. Density – please respond by March 9, 2023

How do you feel about changing commercially zoned properties to multi-family zoned properties? What if the area already contains many, many apartments such as southeast Arlington in the Hwy 360 corridor? How do you feel about RMU (Regional Mixed Use) zoning and its potential 100 units/acre? Why?

I currently oppose changing commercially zoned properties to multi-family zone properties, unless under special circumstances and after thoroughly evaluating the project. This exercise in amending the land use has a major impact on our infrastructure, schools, public services and public safety networks.  Arlington is currently more dense than the city of Dallas. During my term on council, I opposed the multi-family development along Highway 360 based on the fact over 4,000 units of apartments existed along the Highway corridor in our adjacent cities and traffic around Debbie Lane. When density outpaces infrastructure and public service/safety demands, it creates an undesired effect on city's ability to meet it's objectives. RMU zoning is great for stimulating the economy; however, the possibility of a maximum of 100 dwelling unit per acre would concern me.




3. Transportation – please respond by March 16, 2023

VIA's current funding has taxpayers paying about 60% and federal grants paying 40%. What are your thoughts on how much is coming from the general fund and why?

Arlington VIA is currently funded by Federal Transit Administration 40% ($8.8million), General Fund 37% ($8.2 million), and user and advertising fees 23% ($5 million). The demand for mobility, increase in VIA ridership, and the growing aging population indicate that funding is appropriate and necessary for flexible and effective transportation.




4. Corporate Welfare – please respond by March 23, 2023

The City Council has given away millions of dollars and/or potential revenues to companies to encourage development. At what point has there been enough “encouragement” and the taxpayers-- and lowering tax rates-- should become a higher priority than development? Why?

Arlington offers developers incentives under Texas Local Government Code Chapter 380 to incentivize developments that stimulate the economy.  These incentives come with strings attached such as sales revenue goals and employment goals. If the goals are not met, the incentives are withdrawn. While I agree taxpayers are deserving of tax relief,  that relief should come in the form of a rebate on city service fees or charges.




5. Communications – please respond by March 30, 2023

If you receive an e-mail from a constituent similar to the top of this webpage

[ ], will you respond to the constituent? Why or why not? What actions will you take?


Being open and transparent is a trait that's valued in our society. Government must display and operate from a position of trust. This position would include being responsive and respectful to those that inquire about city business. Answers should forthcoming unless it contains protected information. Yes, I am morally obligated to respond and will gladly answer your questions.



6. Issues – please respond by April 6, 2023

Other than public safety what is the most important issue the city council is currently facing? Why? What are your suggestions for addressing this issue?

Infrastructure upgrades and modernization. Our Infrastructure continues to lags behind and fail to keep pace with our growth. Our critical water system, facilities, and roads show signs of deterioration as a result of age and demands.  This election, propositions are listed on the ballot for streets and facilities upgrades. Recently, water restrictions were put in place to accommodate a failure in Tarrant Regional Water District pipeline distribution. Arlington consumer utility charges were increased to address some our challenges with our main water pipelines. We must be strategic when it come to our growth and density so as to allow our infrastructure modernization to keep pace.





1. Term Limits Committee – please respond by March 4, 2021

Last Summer a Term Limits Advisory Committee was named and then fast-tracked recommendations to the city council within only four meetings and over 13 hours of deliberation between July 14 and July 28. Do you have an opinion about this whole situation? Do you have an opinion about the outcome? Why or why not?

I supported the movement to get term limit on the ballot. My wife and I spent countless hours securing signatures in the sweltering heat because we believe it would level the playing field and mitigate the good-ole boy network. I personally and publicly opposed the creation of a term limit advisory committee. The general intent was to overturn or water down the amendment. I fully support the amendment as passed by 62.5 percent of the voters. The committee's recommendations attempted to overturn will of our voters.


2. Sales Tax – please respond by March 11, 2021

This past November voters passed a measure to increase the sales tax another ¼ cent to 8.25% for the funding of an Economic Development Corporation (EDC). Seemingly wild claims were made, selling voters on this. What are your thoughts on the EDC's purpose and the tax? Why?

LATE: The 1/4 cent sales tax would benefit our city since the surrounding city governments have set their rate to 8.25 percent, the maximum allowed by state law.  For Arlington, this rate consists of 6.25% state portion, 1% general fund , .50% sport venue, .25% street maintenance, and .25% EDC.

Grand Prairie and Mansfield sales tax rates are set at 8.25%.  Their citizens have in the past enjoyed making taxable purchases in Arlington utilizing the 8% rate while Arlington citizens making taxable purchases in Grand Prairie or Mansfield were utilizing 8.25%.  Arlington citizens were basically subsidizing Grand Prairie and Mansfield city services with the .25 % difference in rate.

The EDC purpose is to use the sales tax funding to undertake projects that create high paying jobs, job training facilities, address transportation issues, and develop infrastructure improvements. This is a type "A" EDC with  restrictions on the type of project that can be funded.


3. Density – please respond by March 18, 2021

How do you feel about changing commercially zoned properties to multi-family zoned properties? What if the area already contains many, many apartments such as southeast Arlington in the Hwy 360 corridor? How do you feel about RMU (Regional Mixed Use) zoning and its potential 100 units/acre? Why?

LATE: Arlington is now more dense than Dallas. There are about 3,900 citizens per square mile in Dallas and 4,100 citizens per square mile in Arlington. Arlington's public safety staffing and infrastructure improvements continue to lag behind the current growth in dense multi-family developments, especially in southeast Arlington. This growth is not sustainable or supportable. Rezoning commercial to multi-density units places a larger share of the property tax burden on our residential taxpayer. Retaining the commercial zoning would eventually increase the property tax revenue, sales tax revenue, decrease the demands on our public safety services and infrastructure. While there is a demand for housing, the development can meet the needs by developing in the downtown area and appropriately zoned areas. 


4. Transportation – please respond by March 25, 2021

VIA's December 2019 contract renewal has increased the geographical coverage area to 41% (and is available to 49% of the population) of the city. Meanwhile, the contract was to be paid at a rate of 53% by Arlington taxpayers (general fund), 31% by Federal Grant, and 16% by the people taking the rides. Currently CARES funds are paying for VIA, but that will eventually stop. When things return to “normal” funding, let's assume that the Federal Grant will cover 25%. At that time, what should be the pricing structure between the general fund and riders? Why?

Under your current assumptions, the fact the city has to balance its budget and that everything remains constant, the general fund would continue to fund Via at 53%  and the user fee portion would be 22%, up 6%. Let's keep in mind the advertising revenue will be used to offset some of the user fee. 


5. Corporate Welfare – please respond by April 1, 2021

The City Council has given away millions of dollars and/or potential revenues to companies to encourage development. At what point has there been enough encouragement and the taxpayers, and lowering tax rates, should become a higher priority? Why?

The city has historically used incentives to encourage economic development and job growth. With the Economic Development Corporation coming online, more focus should be placed on neighborhood services, infrastructure, and shifting more of the property tax burden on commercial property rather than residential property.


6. Communications – please respond by April 8, 2021

If a constituent emails you a question or comment on an issue about which you disagree and asks you for a response, will you respond to the constituent? Why or why not?



All powers to govern are derived from citizens. Therefore, elected officials should listen and respond to citizens.



7. Issue – please respond by April 15, 2021

What is the most important issue the city council is currently facing? Why?

Did not respond. 






1. Term Limits – please respond by March 14, 2019

Last November, voters approved term limits for the Arlington City Council. What is your opinion of these term limits?

I fully support term-limits. My wife and I was part of the grassroot efforts to get it on the ballot. I spoke before the council in support of the citizen's version.


2. Transportation – please respond by March 21, 2019

Please describe, including price maximums to taxpayers, your thoughts on public transportation.

Did not respond.


[[ Public Transportation - please respond by 03/16/2017

Please describe, including price maximums, your thoughts on public transportation.

I think public and regional transportation is going to be the next major obstacle for the city and regional governments to address. Arlington population is similar in size to St Louis, Missouri. Their Metrolink rail system was instrumental in stimulating economic develop as well as addressing their transportation concerns. With Arlington being a major player in regional entertainment, transportation of some sort will become a necessity. As our baby boomers continue to age and give up driving, their demand for public transportation will be driver of this public agenda. Public transportation is inevitable. How we get there is of major concerns to our citizens. Federal, state, and private funding will offset most of the initial capital outlay. The costs of these system varies. A portion to the street maintenance tax may be a useful way to help fund part of this major undertaking.]]


3. Communications – please respond by March 28, 2019

If a constituent e-mails you a question or comment on an issue where you disagree and asks you for a response, will you respond to the constituent? Why or why not?

Yes. Government has to be open and transparent.


4. Taxes (Part I) – please respond by April 4, 2019

Currently, Arlington has 1/4-cent of sales tax that could be used, but is not used. What, if anything, do you see yourself approving to place in front of the voters, for uses for the 1/4-cent of sales tax? Why?

Did not respond.


5. Taxes (Part II) – please respond by April 11, 2019

Currently, Arlington is experiencing almost double-digit property tax evaluation increases. What do you feel is the appropriate tax rate that should be levied upon the citizens:  1) a rate a little below the rollback rate, 2) the effective tax rate, 3) the same tax rate (even if above the rollback rate), or 4) something else? Why?

Did not repond.


[[Taxes (Part II) - please respond by 04/20/2017

Currently, Arlington is experiencing almost double-digit property tax evaluation increases.
What do you feel the appropriate tax rate that should be levied upon the citizens, a rate a little below the rollback rate, the effective tax rate, the same tax rate, even if above the rollback rate, something else. Why?

Tax rate should be below the effective tax rate. This rate would provide some tax relief to citizens while still allowing the city to cover day-to-day services. ]]


6. Issue – please respond by April 18, 2019

What is the most important issue the city council is facing? Why?

Did not respond.